Malaysia Top Ten Breed

Below is AKC and UKC rank in year 2009 as 2010 rank have yet to be announce.

Top 10 Most Popular Dogs in the U.S.A
1. Labrador Retriever
2. German Shepherd Dog
3. Yorkshire Terrier
4. Golden Retriever
5. Beagle
6. Boxer
7. Bulldog
8. Dachshund
9. Poodle
10. Shih Tzu

Top 10 Most Popular Dogs in the UK
1. Labrador retriever
2. English Cocker Spaniel
3. English Springer Spaniel
4. German Sherpherd (alsation)
5.Staffordshire Bull Terrier
6.Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
7.Golden Retriever
8.West Highland White Terrier
10.Border Terrier

So how about Malaysia Top Ten most popular dog? As MKA did not come out with the rank, so I myself come out with the list based on my observation of the top ten most popular dogs in Malaysia. (Just my opinion)

1. Shih Tzu
2. Maltese
3. German Shepherd Dog
4. Poodle
5. Golden Retriever
6. Miniature Schnauzer
7. English Cocker Spaniel
8. Beagle
9. Pomeranian
10. Labrador Retriever